03 December 2008

Diffucult to establish recklessness in case of trampled Wal-Mart worker, really?

Ok, I am not ever really seriously affected by very many news stories. It is probably because a) I try not to watch too many news stories, and b) because the media is so blatant a raw, I believe I have become inured to it. This is different. The Black Friday trampling to death of a Wal-Mart employee in Valley Stream, N.Y., has certainly touched my heart. I cried. I don't cry over news stories. This man, a human being, here, in the United States of America, not some third world country, was trampled to death by people looking to save a few dollars. Unbelievable.

Initially, I spoke with both my oldest son, and my mother, questioning what have we become as a country? What kid of people have we become? What kind of animal, steps over, around, or on someone laying on the floor and does not offer to help? And how many, of those type of people did this, causing the death of a person? How is justice supposed to be served? It won't be.

There's a link to the AP wire story here.But here is the quote from that story that really got to me:
' "It goes beyond identifying specific people to make a case," Mulvey said. "You have to establish recklessness or intent to harm, which led to his death." '

You must be kidding me. How can it be possible to NOT establish recklessness? These people WALKED ON a person. (Also, has was not a small man, and that goes to prove the effort with which people had to make to actually step ON him.) These people failed to act in a manner that shows any sort of humanity.

I am shocked because this could be anyone I know. Countless numbers of my friends and family shop at Wal-Mart and stores like it everyday. Many of them were shopping on Black Friday. This could have been my brother, my husband, my brother-in-law, my dad, and, well I think you get the point.

That's it. Just a rant. I just had to get my feeling about this off my chest. I sure hope that there is some way to hold these people accountable, but right now it doesn't look good. I think we should all keep this man and his family in our prayers, but also the pray for the people who did this to him - they need help.

16 November 2007

Happy Hour Nov 2007

Party night.

Happy hour menu is:
Chili with corn chips, hot sauce, tortillas. & cheese,
chips & cheese dip - funny how Yanks don't seem to know how that works, it's been an icon/staple since I was in 6th grade,
apples Ida Red & Macoun),
crackers (triscuit, saltines, wheat thins),
caesar salad,
French Silk Pie (Sara Lee),
Chocolate Chip Cookies,
Appletini - bucket,
Chocolate Toasted Almond - bucket,

A day of running back and forth from home, school, grocery and more.
Nana is sitter in residence today. I, ever the procratinator, am trying to prepare an "effortless" dinner, clean house, and attend three parent-teacher conferences.

I missed, or did not connect on a phone call from my husband, who is overseas in Egypt. (While in a P-T conf woth #2's teacher.)

21 July 2007

time to get up & get down

Ok, it is time to go low carb again, in a serious way, until I have lost the weight I need to. I have seen the results my aunt has achieved on Kimikins, and I am starting now, even while on vacation. I have lost 5 pounds give or take, since the last 10 days. I have cheated. It is not pretty, but I was still pretty good even when I did cheat. The girl scout cookies were too much to handle. I ate 5. I had wine over the weekend because I could. And yesterday was my youngest's bitrhday. I ate dinner, cake & ice cream with him. I did not gorge, and I did not eat more than I should, and I kept my portion sizes normal - no seconds.
I plan on doing K/E on my return drive home. Hopefully my husband will see a difference without me pointing it out.


07 October 2005

devil sauce: Green Beans with Sesame and Garlic

yum yum yum!!!!

and another:
devil sauce: Chicken with Potatoes, Peas & Coconut-Curry Sauce

05 August 2005

Catholic Mom Moments

hmmm, I kinda like this gal. I especially identify with her self-description.
Catholic Mom Moments

12 June 2005

Fw: Army launches criminal probe into deaths of 2 soldiers in Tikrit

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2005 12:25 PM
Subject: Army launches criminal probe into deaths of 2 soldiers in Tikrit

Even more sad news, this was from the inside.

Army launches criminal probe into deaths of 2 soldiers in Tikrit

Even more sad news, this was from the inside.

Michael Yon : Online Magazine: And now, for the rest of the story....

Michael Yon : Online Magazine: And now, for the rest of the story....

Three US soldiers killed in Iraq attacks

Sad news from abroad.

22 May 2005

Desert Rat

Desert Rat

This guy seems pretty cool. I like to get a perspective from people other than MY warrior.

Boys, what would we do without them? Posted by Hello

Water, water everywhere.

The kids have discovered water. Not just discovered it, they are obsessed. They can not stay away.

It usually starts with the new-found discovery of the ability to reach the water dispenser on the fridge. The "baby", now 22 months old, will use anything, ANYTHING that can possibly hold water, and fill it up. At first he begins to drink it. But then the temptation to control and do something that only the big people have been able to do thus far, is too great. He then begins dumping it. Sometimes it hits the sink. Sometimes, he opens the trash can, which is on a rollout shelf, and dumps it in there. This usually takes too much forethought though, so he will usually just end up dumping it on the floor, so he can get back to the big boy business of filling it up again.

Usually, his next two older brothers will join in. (For the purpose of this and future stories - I call them the "middle boys", as they lost their "little boys" status when baby was born.) They usually start out trying to stop him, and yes, they will even (sometimes) come tell Momma. However, on the rare occasions that this occurs, I am usually engrossed in something that requires all of my attention, and say something stupid like, "Really, ok, that's nice," and keep on balancing the check book, vaccuming, or washing my hair, oblivious to what is happening. I have used countless towels in the past fewweeks to mop up the kitchen floor, but it doesn't end there.

Oh no, it doesn't end there. We are potty training. And this requires access to the bathroom, sometimes (most of the time) without Mom's presence. With three toddlers it is almost impossible to always supervise bathroom visits. Besides, the older "middle boy" has graduated to full bathroom capabilities. Various combinations of these three children have gotten into the bathroom and filled the bathtub with toys, clothes, pillows, towels, etc. in the name of washing hands. After enough warnings, trips to the "naughty chair", and yes, even spankings, they seem to have figured out this is not ok. What they did not figure, and in my adult foolishness, I thought they did, was that this also applies to the sink/s. Earlier this week, the older two filled the sink, closed the stopper, and added various other items, while washing hands. There was more water on the floor than there has ever been during bathtime when they think that pouring water out of the tub is a fun activity. There must have been at least two gallons on the floor. A subsequent check of the basement confirmed that a previously discovered leak, has indeed come from above in the bathroom, (that's another story,) proven by the copius amounts of bubbles from the new foaming soap.

Yes, they were punished - naughty chair, and no T.V. for the rest of the day. Alas, this is only punishment for Momma and big brother. Sigh. Stay tuned for more in the form of 'Toilet Travails" and "Kitchen Capers", as I am sure these serial events will return soon enough for future entertainment. And speaking of "cereal", baby likes to empty the boxes so he can "help" Momma "clean". Yikes!

Bad Boys Posted by Hello